Educator Certification

Photographer Certifications

Our International Newborn Certified Photographer Program is for professional photographers all over the world. It is designed to certify and verify the photographers ability to provide a safe environment of which they conduct newborn sessions. Whether the photographer travels to locations, works out of their home, or a retail studio - our certification process is designed to verify the behavior, work ethics and practices for each professional. In our certification program we provide questionnaires to guide the photographer in verifying their information. 

To verify this information each photographer will need to complete our online certification program, and have attended an in person training provided by Ana Brandt.

The online certification program will require the following from each photographer.

Video of their current studio environment with explanation of their newborn session process. If they are a traveling photographer they will explain their process for entering a clients home.

Photos of their current work environment.

Photo of the photographer and all related public and social links. (websites, etc.)

Completion of all questionnaires on best practices and newborn safety as listed inside the certification course.

Testimonial letters from existing clients.

Submissions of their portfolio work.

and more.

All of this information is outlined inside our program.

The photographer can take as long as they need to complete the program and provide the required documents. If at anytime the photographer needs more time or more material, we will guide them in achieving this. In addition, we may recommend additional courses from our learning center ( to help them achieve this certification. 

It is important to understand that we take this verification process very seriously. We want our certified photographers to meet all the requirements and prove that they are upholding their best practices and creating photography that is certified so that in turn, clients can feel safe with their decision to hire them. Our goal is to make this program a success. Therefore a working photographer need not be intimated, but excited about the potential!

Trainer Certifications

A new program for those who wish to train others using Ana Brandt's teaching methods.

A program that we take very seriously, is the new Trainer program. In this program you will attend a two day in person (or virtual ) training event led by Ana Brandt. You will be required to demonstrate teaching ability during the workshop and afterwards.

To those who complete the program, Ana Brandt will recommend your training programs as long as ethics and teaching are in line with the standards set forth during training.