Best Practices

In order to be a certified and referred newborn photographer with our program we do a best practices check. We believe that photographers need accountability and proof to their customer that they are doing the best job that they can in providing a safe and secure profession to do their job.

Best Practices we are looking for:

Professional, clean area in which you see clients for photo sessions. This can be a home studio, rental or you can check off our safety checklist for those who travel to the home. During your certification process, there will be a series of questions to validate this area.

Professional contracts from your studio that you use with all client bookings.

Demonstration of your work. You will submit 10 portfolio sample images for review.

Demonstration of safety practices currently in place with covid. A questionnaire is provided and also guides you in some practices to implement in case you are not already.

List of all areas in which we can find your work or name. There will be a questionnaire for you to fill out all links, such as social, websites, etc. so that we can validate the work you are putting on display.

Testimonial letters. We will guide you in asking for testimonials from your clients. We have a sample template that will be given to you to ask permission for testimonials and mentioning you are in certification process.

Understanding of baby safety. A questionnaire and guide is provided for you to studio and ready to answer our questions.

General business overview. There is a video that will be provided inside the certification process about what a solid newborn business looks like and a list of items that all newborn photographers should have. You can watch the video and follow up with you answers if you are missing anything.

Customer management protocols. Workflow in payments, forms and delivery will be discussed in your certification process.

The end result? We want to make sure you are running a safe professional business. We want to help you achieve certification and grow in your business. Our certification program doesn't just provide a standard to uphold by, but it also provides the resources you need to make sure you are doing the best job that you can.

Ana Brandt and the team

Missing any of the areas above? You can take as long as you need to complete our certification process. In each area if you are missing something, we guide you in free and paid resources to help you achieve your certification.

Questions? Reach out to Ana Brandt directly: [email protected]