Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I be certified?

While we know that the Photography world does not have any official worldwide certification program available, individuals such as Ana who have spent half their career training can offer student certifications which verify the best practices and safety of the photographer. This certification and Ana’s in person guidance once verified, can be a wonderful asset to ones portfolio when marketing to new clients.

Ana Brandt has worldwide recognition and many potential clients seek out her students to hire them, knowing they were trained by Ana. This program is currently only open to those who Ana has met thru her in person training only so that she can verify who each individual is as well as their offerings and practices and feel confident in referring their services.

We also feel that because of Ana’s name recognition and her trainings clients will trust the photographers that are in her certification program. This does not mean you need her certification program to be trusted. Your participation in this program is a willingness to be in Ana’s global community and referral network.

In addition, by being certified Ana and her team are here to help you in your journey along the way by proving additional resources that can help you. We will be looking into legal help for those that are certified and need guidance from time to time as well as other benefits we can add to the program.

Are there any qualifications needed to do this program?

You should be a professional photographer applying to this program. You can be part time or full time. You should have an established business.

Is it just a series of questions that certifies me?

No. First it begins with the in person training you received from Ana. Our program then requires information from you such as verification of your work space, client testimonials, best practices reviews and standards, as well as portfolio reviews. There are questionnaires throughout the program that we believe will help us certify that each photographer is holding the best professional practices they can in safety with newborns.

Does this cover newborns only?

This program is currently designed for newborn photographers. While you may have other offerings or services in your business, we are focusing on the newborn aspect due to the many safety concerns parents have.

Is it forever? 

It is technically yes.The payment is one time for your certification. We do check in annually and ask questions to verify standards are still in place.

Can my certification be revoked?

Yes in case of fraud, malpractice , identify or image theft - your certification can be revoked and not refunded. This would be verified and not just based on a social media post. It would be legally verified to the best of our ability and we would always try and speak with the photographer to understand any issues.

I took Ana’s in person course and received a certificate aren’t I certified?

Ana’s in person training certificates verify that you attended her training. It is a bit different, as this certification verifies your business as a whole and conduct along with best practices. Your certificate from your in person training, is a guarantee that you competed the training - also valuable.

I took Ana’s online courses, does that certify me?

It does not. Just like in person course, it certifies that you completed an online course and increased your knowledge. In order for us to give you this certification we need more information about your business as a whole.

I attended Ana’s in person 4 day Baby Academy training does that certify me?

It does not. In order for us to give you this certification we need more information about your business as a whole.

Can I announce that I am certified if I just signed up?

Absolutely! You do not receive your badge until you are officially certified however you can mention on social media that you are enrolled in our certification process.

Once I a certified do I pay any other fees?

No you do not.

I am a member of Ana Brandt are there any discounts?

Members of Ana Brandt receive 10% off the program. Visit the forum in the Members Center fo the code - This can not be combined with any other discount.

What discounts are there for this program 

Those who have completed the in person Baby Academy receive 50% off of the fee. This can not be combined with any other discount.

attended an in person workshop was that the academy? And do I qualify for the 50% discount?

No. The Baby Academy is a four day program. There is only one program of this kind in the world. If you did not attend 4 days, but attended an in person workshop you can apply for the  certification but the 50% discount s 

How long will it take for me to achieve certification

We believe it can easily be achieved within about 14-30 days.

What are the benefits

A digital verified badge.

Press releases in your name that you can share.

Be part of an exclusive network in which Ana and her staff can recommend your services.

Usage of our logo and verified materials for your marketing.

Receive exclusives resources and information.

Each month we will highlight those who have reached certification status.

A global directory of certified photographers will go on this site, as well as several other media sites that Ana owns. All students will have a bio page on this site referring to their websites and social.

Students will also receive an swag bag that will be mailed to them with their wood plaque within 30 days of being certified. The swag bag includes a wooden plaque with your name on it, a pen, t-shirt, tote bag, stickers, decals and some other goodies.

We also hope to bring exclusive vendor discounts and legal help for members. This is a program that will continue to grow in benefits.

I participated in training from other photographers and have been in business for years, why can’t I take this certification.

We are working on way to incorporate those who have not been trained by Ana. Right now since it is a new program and we want to make sure our certification processes are solid we are only working with those who have been trained by Ana in person.

How will others know my badge is verified - can’t anyone copy the badge? 

No they can not. We are using a digital badge system that verifies you are active and certified. The digital badge will be on your site and ours and when one clicks on the badge it digitally is verified. This will prevent those trying to copy the logo and saying they are verified.

Did we miss a question? 

Email Ana directly [email protected]